Use networking groups to improve your teaching skills- teachers told

The District Directorate of Education has held a 3- day cluster- based training for all Junior High School teachers in the district.

Date Created : 2/14/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Patrick Ayeh Bekoe/

The exercise which took place on Wednesday, January 12 to Friday, January 14, 2022, at the Kwabeng Senior High Secondary and Technical School, aimed at building the capacity of teachers on the common core programme to ensure the smooth implementation of the new curriculum introduced by the government.

Addressing the teachers at the event, on Friday, January 14, 2022, the District Chief Executive for Atiwa West District Assembly, Mr. Seth Asante, admonished the teachers to take advantage of the training workshop and use it as platform to set up network groups amongst themselves where they can share ideas in their areas of operation to improve their teaching skills.

He said networking forms a critical role in developing and improving ones capabilities and therefore underscored the need for teachers who impart knowledge to students to see networking groups as an essential tool in their profession.

He urged them to take the training seriously and absorb all that the new curriculum entails so as to enable them to professionally impart the knowledge acquired to the students for the country to get the needed human resource to develop.

Mr. Asante extolled the teachers for improving academic performance in the district and further urged them to do more, adding that the assembly would continue to collaborate with the GES to ensure the needed resources are provided for effective teaching and learning.