Kwabre East: 92 PWDs receive funds

The rate at which persons with disabilities (PWDs) beg for alms on the streets is quite alarming, that is why the government has put in place a fund specifically for them to curb the situation by uplifting their standard of living through supports and business ventures.

Date Created : 7/4/2018 3:29:21 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey/

In the Kwabre East Municipality, some ninety-two, (92) of such individuals were presented with funds and other forms of assistance all in an efforts empower them economically.

Presenting the funds to beneficiaries, the Municipal Chief Executive of the area, Nana Osei Asibey Bonsu said that the 92 beneficiaries form part of the first batch, adding that the items given them was upon a request from the beneficiaries in order to venture into businesses to make money to better their lives rather than begging for alms.

He said the items disbursed for the beneficiaries included, deep freezers, popcorn machine, fufu pounding machine, sewing machines among others. Others were also assisted upon request in areas of health and education.

The MCE entreated the beneficiaries to make good use of the funds and items in ways that would benefit them positively.

The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the assembly and for making their dreams come true, with the promise to make good use of the funds and items to benefit them and their dependents.