Sunyani distributes school uniforms

Sunyani Municipal Assembly distributed 155,665 exercise books to public basic schools in the municipality between January and July, Mr. Kwasi Oppong-Ababio, Municipal Chief Executive, has said.

Date Created : 5/19/2010 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

The assembly has also received 1,934 pieces of school uniforms to be sewn and would be distributed to public basic school pupils especially those in deprived areas during the next academic year.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview on Thursday, Mr. Oppong-Ababio said the capitation grant, school feeding programme and other government policies on education had resulted in two percent increase in student and pupil population in the 2009/2010 academic year.

Mr. Oppong-Ababio said the assembly was working hard to ensure that all the government schools in the municipality would get enough classroom blocks, accommodation for teachers and other infrastructure.

He said it had renovated a two-unit classroom block at M/A primary in Sunyani, Mmeredane Junior High, a two-unit classroom block at M/A primary at Zongo Abetifi, re-roofed a four-unit classroom block at Islamic school in Sunyani and had constructed a six-unit classroom block at M/A Primary School at Atronie.

The assembly is also constructing a three-unit classroom block at SDA Primary at Yawhima, a three-classroom block at M/A Primary School at Yawhima, a three-unit classroom block at Presby Primary 'A' at Abesim, a three-unit classroom block at Daadom and a three-unit classroom block at R/C Junior High school at Abesim.

Mr. Oppong-Ababio said in 2009 the municipality was able to produce 60,152 metric tonnes of maize, 204,200 metric tonnes of cassava, 65,390 metric tonnes of plantain and 11,107 metric tonnes of cocoyam.

He mentioned deforestation and the introduction of weedicides as some of the challenges that impacted negatively on local food production.

On electricity, the Chief Executive said last year Sunyani was one of the regional capitals that enjoyed a massive street lighting project.

A total of more than 34 kilometres was covered and this had reduced crimes such as bag snatching, Mr. Oppong-Ababio said.

Mr. Oppong-Ababio said contracts had been awarded to connect 34 deprived communities to the national grid.  
On road network, the Chief Executive said out of the total 432.71 kilometres road network in the municipality 200.01 was paved and 223.71 kilometres unpaved.

He said the municipal assembly had procured a grader and bulldozer at the cost of GH¢ 600,000 (6 billion old cedis) to work on feeder and access roads to communities.