Wassa-East District Assembly renders accounts to communities

The Wassa-East District Assembly says it will continue to remain transparent and accountable to the people and bring government closer to their doorsteps.

Date Created : 8/16/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : P. K. Yankey

The Assembly will therefore organise periodic town hall meetings to explain government policies, achievements and prospects to the people.

District Chief Executive (DCE), Mr. Wilson Arthur said this during a town hall meeting at Atobiase in the Western Region.

Giving an overview of projects underway by the Assembly as part of a mid-year presentation, the DCE said a total of 2,816 people were registered under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), while 3840 renewed their cards between January and June 2019.

He said 19 People With Disabilities(PWDs) were assisted in renewing their cards with an amount of GHS10,100 paid as school fees for 22 PWDS and medical bills for two.

As part of efforts to address sanitation challenges, the District with funds from the World Bank under the additional financing sustainable rural water and sanitation project was undertaking community led total sanitation exercise in 12 communities.

This is to ensure that over 500 households have access to toilet facilities.

Consequently, 207 toilets (digiloo) and vent pipes were in five communities awaiting installation.

The District registered 1,956 candidates for the 2019 BECE.

As part of good quality education delivery, teaching and learning materials were received and distributed to schools in the district.

Mr. Arthur said a total of 669 households from 34 communities benefited from the LEAP payment and that a total amount of GHS115,150 was paid to the 669 households between January and June 2019.

In addition, 380 people from 18 communities were registered to benefit from Alternative Livelihood programmes under various categories

A total of 30 illegal miners have been assigned to master craft men in the District to undergo apprenticeship in soap making, masonry, mechanic and catering under the community based training component.

The DCE said 26 people were enrolled into Vocational and Technical Institutes at Tarkwa and Axim respectively.

On the road network, he said maintenance works were carried out on some major roads such as the 10 km Atobiase-Domama-Amponsaso road, the 10 kilometre Atobiase-Sekyere Obuase road,the the two- km Atwebesa-Ponase road, the two- km Suhyen Junction-Suhyen road among others.

Under the government's flagship programme of planting for food and jobs,1,926 have been registered, while 188 bags of maize and 75 bags of rice seeds were sold at 50 per cent subsidized price to 1,650 farmers and 68 farmers respectively.

Under the planting for export and rural development, the District made strides as sites of oil palm nursery were cleared, with nursery sheds established at Daboase, Atobiase and Amponsaso.

Mr.Arthur said 800 unemployed youth were currently undergoing skills training at GOSHEN and Aseda Foundation in line with the President's Agenda for jobs.