NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

TANO N: 5 polyclinics inaugurated in B/Ahafo Region

Ms Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Health, on Friday inaugurated five polyclinics in the Brong-Ahafo Region constructed at the cost of 10 million dollars.

Date Created : 4/8/2014 9:15:57 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Ms Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Health, on Friday inaugurated five polyclinics in the Brong-Ahafo Region constructed at the cost of 10 million dollars.

The facilities, attached with doctors quarters and solar panels, are situated at Bomaa in Tano North, Wamfie in Dormaa East, Nkrankwanta in Dormaa West, Kwatire in Tano South and Techimantia in Tano South districts.

Ms Ayittey said doctors would soon be posted to the communities to manage the facilities, furnished with modern medical equipments.

She appealed to health personnel to be patient with clients and establish good relationship with them.

Ms Ayittey said the Government had plans to construct district hospitals in deprived areas to promote quality health care delivery.

Dr Louisa Hannah Bissiw, Member of Parliament for Tano South, charged authorities to keep the facilities clean at all times.

She announced that the Bechem-Dwomo, Derma-Asuoso and Techimantia town roads had all been awarded and the contractor would soon begin work and appealed to the people to monitor the projects to prevent shoddy work.

Mr Zakari Bukari Anaba, Tano South District Chief Executive, said the district had been a major beneficiary of the good policies of the Government.

Some of these policies were the expansion of the school feeding programme, free textbook and uniforms to basic schools, provision of infrastructure and lap top computers.

Mr Anaba said the assembly had constructed a maternity block for the Bechem Government Hospital and was currently constructing a bungalow for the District Director of Health.

He said more needed to be done in term of road infrastructure to link the various communities.

Mr Anaba gave the assurance that the assembly would take proper care of the facility to benefit future generations.