NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

ABURA- ASEBU KWAMANKESE : School closed down

Asuansi Technical Institute in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District of the Central Region has been closed down following demonstration by students regarding congestion in their dormitories and poor quality of food being served to the students. 

Date Created : 2/4/2009 7:39:52 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

Asuansi Technical Institute in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District of the Central Region has been closed down following demonstration by students regarding congestion in their dormitories and poor quality of food being served to the students. 

According to reports, the students who were marching to the Regional Coordinating Council in Cape Coast to present their petition and grievance last Friday were stopped by the Police around Yamoransa.  

The encounter between the police and the students was such that, the District Director of Education and the school authorities had to close down the school. 

Acting Vice Principal, Kofi Antwi said, no school property was destroyed.  It is however suspected that some students got injured in their encounter with the police. 

Mr. Antwi refuted the allegation that the students were given poor quality food.  He said, the institute tries its best to provide the students with quality food three times daily out of the 80p per student.  

On the day in question, he said the students were served rice and beans stew with cabbage even though it delayed for a while.  He was of the opinion that the demonstration was as a result of the delay in providing the food by the matron but not the poor quality of the food.

 Meanwhile the District Director of Education Madam Araba Neizar has set up a committee to investigate the matter whiles effort are also being made to call the students back as soon as possible.