NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

NATIONAL : Let us revere our national heroes-- concerned citizens

The government has been called upon to consider as a matter of national interest the removal of corporate advertisements that engulf the effigies of national heroes at various vantage points in the cities.

Date Created : 2/7/2008 6:49:52 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The government has been called upon to consider as a matter of national interest the removal of corporate advertisements that engulf the effigies of national heroes at various vantage points in the cities.
The citizens, who made the call during an interaction with the Ghana News Agency in Accra said the dignity and image of such people should not be sacrificed on the alter of corporate image and
According to Mr. John Kwadwo Brimpong Obuasi Municipal 2005 best farmer, one of the objectives for erecting such historical statues was to portray their patriotic or nationalistic roles during the struggle for independence.
He said people drew inspirations from the statues but, if "statues cannot be seen then the objective is defeated."
Mr Brimpong cited the statues of the Big Six at the airport roundabout, which has been surrounded by bill board advertisements as well as the Obetsebi Lamptey Circle as examples, saying, "by that, we are not giving the much needed respect to these heroes."
He said brief autobiographies should accompany the statues because they are tourist attractions and that is important since "there were no guides to tell the story."
Mr Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, Executive Director of the Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM), said the erection of statutes and their maintenance should not be entrusted to individuals or corporate bodies by the State.
"We allow outsiders to ridicule us when they play down the image of important people", he added.