GA W: MCE visits selected schools

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the Ga central municipal assembly, Dr. Emmanuel Lamptey as part of his mandate, this year, embarked on the My First Day at School project.

Date Created : 9/22/2017 5:20:22 AM : Story Author : Daniel Addo/

The program, which saw dignitaries including Municipal Education director, Miss D. D. O Welbeck and her team, amid other personalities from the Municipal Assembly, was well executed.


The program which was supported by Bay Port Financial Services, brought on board personnel’s from the financial giants to grace the occasion. Mr. Steven Selasi, the Head of the delegation spoke about how committed the company was in the accomplishment of their corporate social responsibility.


He Pledge continues support of the company to the Municipal as far as the initiative was concern he said in an interview.


Nine schools among the bunch of schools in the Municipality were selected to be visited. Among the nine schools were six public sector schools and three private schools in the community. 


The schools included, Odogonnor MA Basic School, Anyaa Cluster of Schools, Anyaa MA 1 and 2, St. Justine’s Anglican school, Chantan Motorway cluster of schools, and Salvation Army school. The private schools included Platinum Montessori School, Apostle Sarfo School, and Islamic school.


The program started from the Odogonnor MA Basic School where the Municipal Education Director, sent the MCE and the Coordinating Director round to inspect some infrastructural projects that were undertaken in the school.


The MCE, led by the Education Director, went to the first classroom and after a formal introduction by the Education Director, He spoke to the pupils, encouraging them to take studies serious and be punctual in school. 


Writing books, crayons, water bottles were shared to the pupils and asked them to use it effectively to achieve their purpose for coming to school. 


Alhaji Hardi, the Coordinating Director promised the children a good learning condition if they should always be present in school.


The teachers of the schools expressed their gratitude and appreciated the visit and demanded more of such visits.