NABCO personnel in Bawku celebrate first anniversary

The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) personnel in the Bawku Municipality of the Upper East Region, have celebrated their one year anniversary with a call to be serious and learn from their present assignment as they prepare for permanent employment.

Date Created : 10/17/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Jerry Azanduna

Mr Sadat Ibrahim Amandi, the Bawku Municipal Coordinator of the programme made the call in his anniversary speech, saying 60 of the personnel had been given permanent employment and were doing well.

He said the overall inputs and productivity level of the personnel was appreciated and praised by the module implementing partners and urged them to keep it up so they would have better chances for employment.

The personnel are currently engaged in the various departments within the Municipality including the department of Agriculture, health facilities such as the clinics, health centres, Community based Health Planning Services (CHPS) compounds, the Ghana Revenue Authority and other public institutions.

The rest include; the Bawku district and circuit courts, traditional authorities, births and deaths and the social welfare departments to learn and contribute to the development of those areas.

He commended the government for putting smiles on the faces of several young people who hitherto could not provide their basic needs after completing tertiary education.

Mr David Adoliba, the Presiding Member of the Bawku Municipal Assembly,charged the personnel to work with a sense of nationalism and see their role as an important part in building the economy.

He said the personnel were tools for national development and urged them to shun negative working attitude such as truancy, disrespect to authority and lateness to work.

He urged Heads of departments of the various modules to provide the necessary platforms for the trainees to learn and acquire the needed skills so that they could also contribute to nation building.

The personnel later donated items including; assorted drinks, soap, and food items to the Bawku Medium Prison inmates as part of their effort to support the prisons.