AMANSIE W: Health Directorate review 2017 performance

The Amansie west District Health Directorate has held its 2017 annual performance review meeting at Manso Nkwanta.

Date Created : 2/5/2018 6:50:25 AM : Story Author : Paul Antwi/

The meeting aimed at to take stock of last year health issues, their performance, weakness and way forward.

The meeting was attended by health staffs,heads of Departments, Assembly members, chiefs and opinion leaders.

Presenting his report, the District Director of health Services, Mr Dominic Dorbbin said teenage pregnancy rate has been increased from 170 in 2016 to 180 cases in, 2017.

On the HIV cases from 105 in 2016 to 225 in 2017. On Tuberculosis reduced from 84 cases, 2016 to 57cases 2017.

He said in Hepatitis cases from 170 in 2016 to 182 in 2017.

On .Tuberculosis cases that cannot be treated 3 in 2016 and 6 in 2017. Motor accidents and deaths 160 in 2016 and 172 cases in 2017.

The District Director commended health staffs and workers for their hard work and commitment to duty and urged them to keep it up.

The Medical Supt. in charge of Saint Martin Catholic Hospital, Dr Ofori Amanfo said the Agroyesum hospital has a lot of hospital equipment to take care of all kinds of diseases.

He appealed to heath staffs in both clinics and health centres to refer cases beyond their control to the nearest Hospital for immediate treatment.