Aowin Municipal Assembly holds town hall meeting

Ministry of Information in collaboration with Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has started organizing town hall meeting in Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies across the length and breadth in the country in order to propagate and educate the citizenries about government flagship programs, policies and activities.

Date Created : 7/16/2018 6:13:00 AM : Story Author : Wise Zah/

It was colorful and well attended when Aowin Municipal Assembly held its town hall meeting at the municipal capital, Enchi last Tuesday.

The Municipal Chief Executive Mr. Samuel Adu – Gyamfi said, as part of government efforts aimed at ensuring transparency in the governance process and to sensitize the general public on the key government policies, projects, programs and interventions has been organizing series of town hall meetings in various MMDAs across the country to educate the masses on government policies and programs and also aimed at getting feedback from the populace.

He said, there is an overwhelming desire for the government to holistically address the poor road network in the municipality, two important roads whose poor state greatly affect the socio economic life of the people in the Municipality are the Enchi-Ellubo and Enchi-Akontonbra Nkwanta roads.

The two roads link Aowin Municipality to the Jomoro and Suaman Districts respectively. It was glad to hear that, during the recent visit of President Akuffo Addo to the region, he announced that funding had been secured for the construction of Enchi-Ellubo road while efforts are being put in place to re-award Enchi-Akontonbra Nkwanta road together with other road projects in the region.

The MCE said, other project that was so dear to the people of Enchi and for that matter the people of the Municipality was the construction of concrete drains along the Atua River in the Enchi Township.

The lack of concrete drains along the river had been largely responsible for the perennial flooding at Enchi and its environs over the years. The construction of concrete drains along the river was therefore among the projects submitted as priority projects under the coastal belt development priority projects of the Aowin Municipality, he added.

On government flagship projects, Mr. Adu-Gyamfi commended the government for successful implementation of the free Senior High program and said the only Senior High Technical School in the Municipality, Nana Bretu Senior Technical had an enrollment in last academic year over 40 percent.

Over 400 farmers have registered under planting for and jobs, 135 unemployed university graduates with degree and diploma certificates from the Municipality have registered under the various modules of the nation builders’ corps (NACOP). The Municipal Secretariat of the program has been established and the selection process currently ongoing, he added.

Delivering PowerPoint presentation on behalf of minister of information, Dr Abdul Mustapha Hamid, the western regional information officer Mr. Armstrong Nana Asmah said Town Hall Meetings are decentralised means of giving the members and leaders of the various communities nationwide the opportunity to get together to discuss the progress and emerging issues of both the central and local government.

He spoke on the major sectors of the economic such as food and agriculture, land and natural resources, fisheries, trade and industry, education, gender and social protection, youth and sports, governance, local governance, information, accountability, economy, culture and tourism, defence, communication, rail ways development, energy, business development and employment, social initiatives and health.

He said, government has restored the Health Trainee Allowance covering 54,840 trainees from 77 public health training institutions across the country.

Essential equipment have been procured and deployed across the country. These include 212 delivery beds, 200 delivery set, 51 theatre tables, 45 blood bank fridges, 10 incubators and several others, completed the construction of classroom blocks for health training institutions at Sampa, Asankragwa, Pantang and Korle-Bu Critical Care.

Construction of five polyclinics at Oduman, Sege, Bortianor, Ashiaman and Adenta in the Greater Accra Region
Government approved the recruitment of 15,667 staff, comprising 11,573 nurses, 247 doctors, 1,883 support staff, 938 allied health staff and 14 physician assistants resulting in significant increase in the number of functional CHPS Zones, he added.

The acting president for Aowin traditional area, Nana Sika Ntia II advised Ghanaian to support the government in order to fulfilled its set development agenda