Workers in Volta and Oti mark May Day in Ho

Workers in the Volta and Oti Regions jointly marked the 2023 May Day celebrations with a parade in Ho.

Date Created : 5/2/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Samuel Akumatey/

Hundreds of people converged at the Ho Jubilee Park after a route march bearing placards with various inscriptions that called the government's attention to the effects of the present economic challenges on workers.

Dr. Archibald Letsa, Volta Regional Minister, and Madam Millicent Kabuki Carboo, District Chief Executive of Biakoye ,who represented the Oti Regional Minister, graced the event, which opened with a march parade by the various worker unions and associations.

Madam Edith Amenuvor Afewu, Regional Secretary of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), delivered an address on behalf of the Secretary General of the TUC, Dr. Yaw Baah, and called for attention to the plight of workers.

The TUC appealed for a prompt review of salary structures to meet unstable inflation and said the interest of workers should be protected.

The TUC said the Government should consider a national dialogue on the economy, saying it would offer broader views, and that the Congress was ready to contribute to the dialogue to build a better nation.

The Volta Regional Minister, in a keynote address, said the government had prioritised jobs and protected workers throughout the corona virus pandemic.

He said the government continued to provide the needed environment for both the public and private sector and assured that the concerns of workers were being addressed.

Dr. Letsa said the government was working to realise its vision of a sustainable entrepreneurial nation, and that all should seek to take advantage of the various initiatives and interventions including the You Start, Planting for Food and Jobs and other agricultural programmes, as well as various digitisation and innovation programmes.

He said the labour sector had a firm place in nation building and should continue to deliver sacrifice and patriotism.

“May we at the labour front be reminded that all of us have the responsibility of working together in addressing our economic challenges for our common good. Hence, we need to chart the path of unity, sacrifice, and the interest of the State in going forward to turn the unsurmountable tides in our favour once again.”

The celebration was attended by unions from the health, education, and other service sectors.

Excellent members from the various unions were presented certificates and prizes.