Avian Influenza infects 9,470 birds in Bono Region

Outbreak of the Avian Influenza has hit the Bono Region, infecting more than 9,470 birds since last Thursday January 13, 2022.

Date Created : 1/19/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : / Dennis Peprah

Dr Donald Joachim Darko, the Bono Regional Director of the Veterinary Services in an interview in Sunyani, says the outbreak was detected in only two farms, saying 780 crates of eggs were also affected and destroyed.

He said the affected farms had been barricaded to ward-off people, and called on the general public to remain calm as measures had been put in place to control further spread.

“We have barricaded these farms from encroachment to prevent further spread and destroyed all the affected birds and eggs as well”, Dr Darko stated.

He said the infection could be transported from the Ashanti region or imported from the Ashanti region or neighboring Cote D’Ivoire, and advised poultry farmers in the region to be watchful and report any abnormalities in their farms to the service.

Dr Darko said his outfit had also intensified public education on the influenza, and advised the general public to also remain watchful as well.