Shama DCE calls for stakeholder collaboration to improve education

Eight hundred and forty pupils and students (840) from the basic and secondary schools at Shama formed a parade to mark the 56th Independence Day anniversary in the Shama District of the Western Region.

Date Created : 3/7/2013 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

Pupils of Ohiamadwen D/A Kindergarten dressed in smock put up a splendid role play of the declaration of Ghana's independence to the admiration of the audience made up of traditional authorities, the MP for the area, assembly members, heads of departments and a cross section of the public.

The Shama Methodist Primary school also held a gymnastics/acrobatics display with the band provided by the Methodist Brigade.

Addressing the parade, Mr Enoch Kojo Appiah, Shama District Chief Executive (DCE), called for collaborative efforts between parents, society and teachers to mould the character of the youth for them to become responsible and useful adults.

Referring to the theme of the anniversary, œPartnership and Innovation to Build a New and Better Ghana, the DCE stressed the need for the stakeholders in the district to come out with innovations to address the challenges hindering progress of education in the district.

To achieve success, he encouraged the people to play their roles effectively and efficiently noting that powerful nations in today's
world had attained such status because of dedication and commitment, especially in the area of science, technology and innovation.

It was towards that effort, that Mr Appiah commended the government for the supply of laptop computers to the schools of which the Shama District received its allocation of 336 that were distributed to 14 public basic schools.

He advised the students to use them judiciously to enhance their education in order to catch up with the information technological

While advising teachers to put in their maximum to teach the children, the DCE equally impressed on parents and guardians to provide their wards with their basic needs.

He said in a bid to promote education in the district, the assembly had extended its scholarship scheme from two students to three, therefore encouraged them to study hard and excel in their disciplines.

He said traditional authorities must also endeavour to allocate lands for social projects like schools, libraries, teachers' quarters, and CHPS compounds.

He commended the Takoradi International Company, Lower Pra Rural Bank Limited, Essemaman Development Association, and West African Gas Pipeline Company for their immense contribution towards development of the district.

Madam Florence Inkoom, the District Director of Education, in a speech read for her, urged students to learn and emulate the one who emerged winner in the President™s Independence Awards for the Western Region.