EJURA: Let's not play politics with “Planting for Food and Jobs” - former MP

The former Member of Parliament for Ejura Sekyere Dumase constituency Hon Issufu Pangabu has called on Ghanaians not to play politics with the government flagship program dubbed "Planting for Food and Jobs" but rather they should hold it in high esteem.

Date Created : 12/11/2017 6:01:54 AM : Story Author : Omono Asamoah/

He disclosed this When Alliance for Green Revolution (AGRA) an NGO in collaboration with PEE farms organised a day workshop for some maize farmers in Ejura Sekyere Dumase Municipality on appropriate methods of farming and the right seed to be used.

He explained further that, though he is an NDC activist, he got himself on board with the policy since its inception and he had gain a lot. "I have turn to be a business man instead of a politician now and i have not regretted", he added.

He also urged the youth especially the educated elite in Ghana not to always think of white colour jobs since there is much money in the soil.

He indicated that, the country is endowed with fertile lands therefore it sometimes baffles his mind when he hears graduates complaining of limited job avenues whilst farming is there . It doesn't sound well. It is not too late, unemployed graduates should get themselves on board now to elevate them from poverty.

He finally appealed to the various traditional authorities in the country to soften their stands so that land acquisition would be easier for those that are willing to venture into farming.

The Ash Regional Seed Coordinator from MoFA Mr Edwin Sakyi also called on farmers to start using the hybrid maize seeds as that seeds type is resistance to both diseases and weather and also provide high yield .He continued that agriculture is tedious occupation therefore farmers must enjoy the fruits of their labor but not to sweat in vain.

The only means to do well in farming these days is by complying with the modern method of farming and farmers must adhere to that.

He also advised the government to stop importing hybrid seeds into the country as that is another causative agent of diseases and pests.

He underscored that, should the government resource the Ministry of Food and Agriculture well, they would not waste money on the importation of the hybrids seeds, his ministry could develop them right here in Ghana.