NANDOM: Kandemegang Primary gets modern school feeding kitchen

District Chief Executive for Nandom, Mr. Thaddeus Arkum Aasoglenang has commissioned a modern kitchen at the Kandemegang D/A Primary School in the Nandom District of the Upper West Region.

Date Created : 5/7/2019 3:12:50 AM : Story Author :

The newly commissioned kitchen is the first of its kind in the Upper West Region.

Construction of the Kitchen became necessitated as a result of the dilapidated nature of the old kitchen, which among other things was structurally dangerous and unhygienic for cooking for school children.

Mr. Aasoglenang called on the Ghana Education Service and the leadership of the community to take strong interest in ensuring that the structure is well maintained. He said the District Assembly, acting on behalf of government, is happy to be responding to the needs of its citizens.

Meanwhile, the District Chief Executive, Mr. Aasoglenang, on behalf of the Member of Parliament for Nandom, who is also the Minister for Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery, handed over the Kokoligu CHPS compound to a contractor for renovation works on the weak structure.

The Kokoligu CHPS compound which was constructed about 10 years ago, has not received any major attention structurally since its inception.

Mr. Ambrose Dery is committing resources from his share of the Common Fund to refurbish the CHPS compound to meet modern standards and fit for purpose. Earlier, the MP for Nandom sponsored the fixing of SOLAR to four CHIPS compounds in the District.

This according to the Mr. Ambrose Dery was meant to augment the electricity from the national grid especially in the night and when there is power outage.