TANO S: MCE hands over medical equipment to Kwasu CHPS compound

The Kwasu Community-based health planning and services (CHPS) compound in the Tano South Municipality has received medical equipment to boost its operations.

Date Created : 5/24/2018 1:32:36 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

The health facility which was constructed by the previous administration was commissioned and handed over the people for use in August 2017 after the current government settled all outstanding payments.

However, after fully paying for the facility, one other obstacle was to equip the facility to make it functional, the municipal Chief Executive, Collins Offinam Takyi stated.

It is in view of addressing this obstacle that the medical equipment have been procured for the facility to make it for functional to meet the needs of the people.

The MCE said the Kwasu CHPS compound has been equipped to meet the minimum requirement to qualify for the accreditation by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), and assured that it will not be long and the facility will be accredited to accept NHIS clients.

“We are aiming that out of the 21 CHPS Zones in the Municipality, 6 more i.e. Kwasu, Asuboi, Breme, Mansin, Dwomo and Adaa will have functional facilities to bring the facilities to 9 by the close of the year 2018”, the MCE added.

The MCE urged the community members to patronize the facility and play a part in its success story.

Also, he entreated the staff of the CHPS centre to devote their efforts towards the delivery of quality healthcare and making this facility a success; and assured them of support from the community and the Assembly in their line of duty and stay in the community.