Bekwai Agric dept carries out yield study

The Agriculture Department of the Bekwai Municipal Assembly in the Ashanti region has carried out a yield study at its demonstration site at Asanso, a community in the municipality.

Date Created : 1/31/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

The move is as a result of a Rice Integrated Pest Management research conducted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Crops Research Institute in response to concerns raised by several rice farmers about the invasion of weeds and pests in their farms.

The Municipal Agric Director, Mr. Emmanuel Mensah encouraged all participants, particularly the farmers and the staff of Agric Department to actively involve themselves in all proceedings and thanked all participants for their overwhelming contribution towards making the study a success.

He then asked the farmers to fall on his office whenever they are challenged in their farming activities.

Six rice entries namely, CRI-Enapa, CRI-Amankwatia, CRI-Kantinka, CRI-AGRA, Lapez and Farmer-AGRA were harvested after a successful investigation and farmers made their own selection from the list of entries by physical observation. The mostly preferred entry was adopted for cultivation on a large scale.

The research fellow from the CSIR – Crop Research Institute assured the farmers that the findings and recommendations will bring a comprehensive solution to their plight.

He further encouraged them to adhere to their counsel and existing standard operating procedures in their crop production.