Wa West DCE calls for Gov’t support over poor roads

The District Chief Executive of Wa West District Assembly, Mr. Edward Sabo Laabiir has said that, the District would soon be cut off as a no-go area from the regional capital if nothing is done to improve their roads before the rains.

Date Created : 4/26/2018 3:54:38 AM : Story Author : Rosemary Obeng-Yeboah/

In an interview with, the DCE made special mention of roads linking communities like Jenbob, Tabile, Maadutoo among others as been severely affected.

He was worried that the current states of the roads and with the raining season just about starting will further degrade the roads which will severely affect motorists since cars would have to “swim across” during the raining season.

He said the bridge, which served as the main route for most school children and pedestrian in the area is also not in good shape and had brought hardship to the people.

Mr. Edward Sabo Laabiir said due to the bad state of the bridge pedestrians have to walk long distance to their destinations.

Mr Sabo Laabiir said with no reliable road linking them to the regional capital, there is high risks of insecurity in the district.

He added that, food stuffs were locked up in the area as a result of the deplorable nature of the bridge.

He has therefore appealed to the government to come to their aid since the road which serves as the District’s main link to other major business towns in the region has been left to deteriorate.

He lamented that the deplorable nature of the road has affected economic activities which has as a result affected the assembly’s mobilization of Internal Generated Funds (IGF) to finance various projects in the community.