WA WEST: Residents cry over poor road networks

Poor road network in the Wa West district of the Upper West region has left the district detached from regional road linkage with several linking roads getting eroded.

Date Created : 10/10/2018 7:48:51 AM : Story Author : Rosemary O. Yeboah/

The Wa West district was carved from the then Wa district alongside Wa East but has since been left out of many developmental projects led by poor roads and infrastructural development.

Blessed with abundance of natural resources and fertile land, 80% of the constituents are farmer with plenty of food stuffs left to rot due to poor access road.

The district capital, Wichau, in an attempt to give it a capital status, can boast of some few tarred roads only seen around the confines of the town.

Flagship towns in the district like Lassia and Vieri, cannot even boast of leveled road not to talk of tarred roads despite their immense importance in the district.

The main route from Nakore –Chansa en route to Lassia-Wichau can best be described as a cattle pathway rather a feeder road with potholes and eroded surfaces posing threats to the road users.