MCE urges teachers to adopt positive attitude to work

The Municipal Chief Executive for Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality, Gilbert Ken Asmah has observed the need for teachers to exhibit positive attitude to work at all times.

Date Created : 2/7/2018 4:20:00 AM : Story Author : GNA

"We expect you to adopt a high sense of professionalism and positive attitude to work, I entreat you all to refrain from all manner of behaviour and act which have the tendency to brand this Municipality any odd description"

He said his vision as the Chief Executive is to make Tarkwa-Nsuaem a "world class infrastructure and service" where everybody will aspire to work and live in; in pursuant to this, the education sector has been targeted and for that matter is an integral component of making the Municipality a world class and a model one

Hon Gilbert Ken Asmah made this call at a colourful programme organized by the Municipal Education Directorate to orient newly trained teachers.

Hard working teachers were asked to train students to be independent and analytical in thought. The practice of making students regurgitate (Chew, pass and forget) is certainly not helpful for our quest to achieve world-class standards, Put in your maximum best to imbibe and awaken the entrepreneurial tendencies in our students, he added. He further hinted that the Municipality in the foreseeable future should be able to compete with other municipalities across the globe and that we should be able to compare our standards of education to any other systems in the world.

In his submission, the Municipal Director of Education, Mr. Alex Kweku Duah mentioned that the orientation programme aims to elevate the new teachers from the training college life into complete teachers. According to him, the teaching profession is clouded in high dignity and much is expected from you in the various communities in which you will be serving, do well to leave positive indelible inks at all levels, the society must have a better feel of your presence as teachers and this must not be compromised in any way.

He warned further that his outfit will not entertain any form of truancy from teachers, adding that all the stakeholders in the education in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality are ready to offer support and cooperation to teachers at all times. I want to bring to your notice that the Municipal Education Directorate has embarked on an intensive monitoring and supervision exercise, "we are taking forth night reports from our headteachers concerning absenteeism, lateness, lesson note preparations, scheme of work and output of work respectively.

In attendance were all newly posted seventy-seven teachers and other officials of the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Directorate of Education