New Juaben South marks 75th Remembrance Day of Fallen Heroes

The Eastern Regional Security forces made up of Ghana Armed forces, the Ghana Police service, Fire Service, Customs, Prisons, Immigrations, and Ambulance Service have celebrated the fallen heroes during the World War 2 in the line of duty.

Date Created : 11/17/2020 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Collins Aikins Akuffo/

The 75th Remembrance Day is to recognize and observe in memory of all our forebears who lost their lives in the two world wars and all others who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in conflicts around the world. However, it is an important day to remember our gallant soldiers who lost their lives in the fight for independence and peacekeeping operation worldwide.

It is important that the nation comes to terms with this huge contribution by our forebears, our gallant ex-servicemen, veterans, and soldiers and accord them the due recognition by observing this day as such. This day is also recognized as a special day for war remembrance in many non-commonwealth countries. This Remembrance Day is observed on the 11th day of the 11th month of every year to honor our valiant warriors who lost their lives during the world war.

The dignitaries present were; the Eastern Regional Minister Hon. Eric Kwakye Daffour doubled as the Member of Parliament for Nkwakwa constituency, the Deputy Regional Minister Hon. Samuel Nuertey-Ayertey, the Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Isaac Appaw-Gyasi, the Representative of the Omanhene of New Juaben Traditional Council; Nana Twumasi Dankwa (Gyaasehene) of New Juaben Traditional Area.

Others include the Regional Chairman of the Veterans Administration Ghana Maj. Rtd. Alex Annim, the Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion of infantry Lt Col Simeon Barifi Nyanterh, the Ghana Police Service Regional Commander COD Edward Oyirifi Akrofi, the Ghana Prisons Service Regional Commander, the Deputy Director of Prisons Bob Derry, the Ghana Fire Service Regional Commander represented by Divisional Officer Grade 1 Joseph Korenteng, the Ghana Customs Service Regional Commander Assistant Commissioner Agnes Modey, the Ghana Immigration Service Regional Commander DCI Prudence Aku –Sosu.

The Eastern Regional Minister Hon. Eric Kwakye Daffour who on the occasion was the guest of honor tooted the horns for the commencement of the program. All security services in the region represented with a hundred and ten officers to form the parade at the celebration grounds.

The veterans' Administration Ghana Contingent join the parade where the parade commander invited them to march on parade. A minute of silence and a minute of siren tooting was later conducted for the forebears as a bugle call which signifies scheduled and non-schedule events in the Military.

The Program continued by the laying of wreath for the ancestors; The Regional Minister Hon. Eric Kwakye Daffour laid the wreath on behalf of the President and Republic of Ghana, the Commander Officer of the 1st Battalion of infantry Lt Col Simeon Barifi Nyanterh laid the wreath on behave of the Security Services, The Regional Chairman of Veterans laid the wreath on behalf of the veterans and Omanhene of New Juaben Traditional Area also laid the wreath on behalf of the Chiefs and Citizenry in the Region.