Gov’t is working to fix deplorable roads in the Kpone Katamanso Municipality – MCE assured

Kpong Katamanso, one of the major industrial enclaves in the country is bedeviled with poor road infrastructure, a situation that is putting a lot of stress on the finances of the Municipal Assembly.

Date Created : 1/10/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

According to the Municipal Chief Executive, Samuel Okoe Amanquah just about 2% of total road networks of 1612 in the municipality has been tarred. Thus, the larger stretch of 98 percent of roads needs urgent attention to make their usage more convenient.

To alleviate the suffering of the people, the Assembly has been spending a lot of its resources to carry out reshaping, graveling and other maintenance works to keep the roads in fairly motorable conditions for residents.

He said government not oblivious of their plight has started some interventions with some selected roads to improve the situation.
Among these include;

• The TOR road which is a major industrial road in the municipality. Some significant works have been done on the road including the culverts; the sides have been dug and filled with stones too.

• Kpone Barrier Main Road –

• A 12.23 kilometer road from the GHAPOHA Terminal through the town (widening of some town roads) to Prampram.

The MCE said the situation is however dire in the remaining communities such as Kalipso to Micheal Camp Road, Gbetsele Junction – Pure Oil – Apolonia; 22 Annex linking US, BBC to Atadeka Junction, among others.

Mr. Samuel Okoe Amanquah, however, revealed that Urban roads is also currently partnering with the Kpong Katamanso Municipal Assembly to have some of the roads improved.

It is in this vain that the MCE made a passionate appeal to the government and the Ministry of Roads and highways to turn their attention to the municipality to have these roads improved.

The head of the Municipality who sympathized with the people and shared in with their plight and disappointment however called on the residents to continue to have hope and be patient with government while efforts are made to uplift the image of the municipality particularly the roads.

He revealed that apart from the earlier roads mentioned as being worked on, there is also a document before the Minister on some 40 kilometer roads that captured a number of the critical roads in the municipality, and he is pushing for the actualization of these projects in due course.

He affirmed that the municipality has been deprived of its share of road improvement for long hence government needs time to be able to catch up with development in this regard.