Twelve communities in Chereponi hooked to the national grid

The Member of Parliament for Chereponi Mr. Tahidu Abdul-Razak through frantic efforts and collaborations of concerned industry players within the energy sector over the past few years has been able to hook several communities onto the national electricity grid in the Chereponi constituency under his personal flagship policy of providing electricity for all.

Date Created : 4/28/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

This remarkable standard continued as he led a team of delegation from the District Assembly, contractors and various traditional heads from the communities to officially commission and grant electricity access to twelve (12) more communities to the already existing grid.

The beneficiary communities include Akomabilla No-1. Akomabilla No-2, Kpenchi, Gnadere, Ango, Kulkpeini, Yorgu, Akuniye, Adibo , Nawieku, Jimbili and Omati.

The Chiefs and People of the beneficiary areas expressed thanks and joy to the MP and the current government for finally coming to their aid after failed attempts by successive administrations.

The MP seized the opportunity to thank the people for their continued faith and belief in the government and revealed more social interventions adopted by the central government targeted at alleviating and raising the living standard of the People.

He also charged inhabitants of the communities to be responsible and civic by adopting prudent measures of enhanced cultural maintenance. The MP added his voice for Peaceful co-existence as it proven to be the only core bedrock of community development and social change.

Mr. Abdul-Razak stated that it is his priority and mandate to see that a greater percentage of the communities in the constituency are captured onto the national grid by the end of his first tenure of office in 2024.