GIFEC trains 30 artisans in Nzema East

Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communication (GIFEC) in collaboration with the Nzema East Municipal Assembly has organized a 5-day capacity building workshop for 30 artisans on the use of ICT in marketing products in Axim.

Date Created : 7/16/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

The workshop which took place at the GIFC office in Axim took beneficiaries through the use of ICT to enhance local and international market for artisanal products, competitiveness, creativity and variety in the sector.

Participants were drawn from; Dress makers, Welders, Capenters, Hair Dressers, Auto mechanics, Decorators among others.

Mr Frank Okpenyen, Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Nzema East talked about the importance of this program and mentioned how online shopping is helping some companies and individuals in marketing.

He reiterated the importance of the informal sector to the economic development of Nzema East and encouraged participants to practice what they have learnt and become a living testimony of the program.

The facilitator, Mr.Amoah Emmanuel, who is the District representative for GIFEC revealed how the agency plans to enhance the market economy of Artisans and traders through the use of ICT in their job engagement.

He said the principal objective was to make the use of ICT in artisanal work accessible and available to people in and outside Axim, as well as promoting trustworthy and verifiable service providers.

On their part, the leader of the Artisans, Mr Nyame Aye thanked the organizers of the program and promised they will make good use of this God given opportunity.

He appealed to the organizers to increase the number of participants so that many of their colleagues will experience it.