DCE gives ultimatum to truant teachers

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Adaklu Mr. Donkor Phanuel Kadey has assigned the educational directorate in the District to present a report on teachers who absent themselves from school.

Date Created : 6/11/2018 3:00:53 PM : Story Author : Susana Danso/

Additionally, he gave the affected teachers a week ultimatum to return to the classroom.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony of a three-unit classroom block for Henakope District Assembly Basic School, the DCE said, his attention has been drawn to a number of teachers in the District who have abandoned the classroom to attend to personal issues including furthering their education.

“We are serious about education here. These absentee teachers are paid by government, so if they are no longer interested in teaching, they can leave. Many are working well but some are lazy and can’t be in this District,” he said and asked the Bureau of National Investigations to investigate the situation.

He therefore asked teachers who persistently absent themselves from their official duty to refrain from all negative attitudes towards work and contribute in building the education sector.