Assembly will improve the lives of the people - DCE

The Offinso North District Chief Executive, David Aboagye Asare says the assembly is putting in measures that would help improve the living standard of the people of the area.

Date Created : 7/30/2019 2:43:26 AM : Story Author : Emmanuel Buorokuu/

He said the construction and rehabilitation of health and education facilities, improved sanitation among others are some of the measures taken to enhance the general condition of everybody in the District.

Mr. Asare was speaking at a Town-Hall meeting organized by Justice and Peace Committee of the St. James Parish of the Catholic Church, Akomadan on the theme:” Community Participation in local governance for Rapid and Sustainably Development”

The DCE added that more projects would soon be initiated to boost the developmental agenda of the assembly and mentioned pay while you dump refuse system to increase the mobilization base of the district.

He, therefore, tasked the Environmental Unit of the assembly to liaise with assembly members and unity committee members and other stakeholders to educate the citizens on the need for them to embrace the pay while you dump project to ensure its success in the area and also be committed to the spirit of communal labour.

Mr. Asare however, commended Justice and Peace Committee of the St. James Parish of the Catholic Church Akomadan, for organizing the meeting and suggested that the meeting should be organized regularly to help promote unity and the development of the area.

In his welcome address, convener of the Justice and Peace Committee, Mr. Emmanuel Effah said the meeting was to provide a platform for the duty bearers in the Offinso North District Assembly to engage the citizenry in a discussion on issues affecting the people and the development of the area.

He said that for citizens to participate effectively in local governance, they need to understand the local government concept, structures and functions and also participating in the budgetary process in order to increase efficiency in allocations, accountability and management to reduce social exclusion as well as strengthen democratic practices.

The participants included chiefs, assembly members, head of departments and, opinion leaders, market women, and the disabled among others.