Head of Service visits Tamale Metropolitan

As part of a working tour of the Northern Region, the Head of Local Government Service, Dr. Ing. Nana Ato Arthur called on the Mayor of Tamale, Sule Salifu in his office at the Assembly.

Date Created : 5/5/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Amadu Mustapha/

Explaining the purpose of the visit, Dr Nana Ato Arthur expressed worry over the increasing phenomenon of absenteeism and apathy of the public sector work force and its impact on output.

He admonished the staff with such negative attitudes to be of good conduct or risk facing sanctions including losing their jobs.

Dr. Arthur however assured the staff of the Government's continuous effort to improve the work environment and conditions of service for better output, but was quick to add that staff must develop a positive mindset as well as skill set necessary for greater output at their various workplaces and overall national development.

He was subsequently conducted round the offices in the company of Mayor Sule Salifu and his Coordinating Director, Mr Abdulai Mohammed Kennedy, among other officials, during which he interacted individually with a cross section of the staff of the Assembly.

The Mayor expressed his gratitude towards the visit and wished him well for the rest of his tour.