DCE attends Enyan Abaasa Traditional Council meeting

The District Chief Executive of Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District in the Central region, Mr Ransford Kwesi Nyarko, has met with the Chiefs and Elders of the Enyan Abaasa Traditional Area to deliberate on matters of development.

Date Created : 7/14/2022 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Afua Koramah Agyeman/

The meeting, which was chaired by Vice President of the Central Regional House of Chiefs Osagyefo Kwame Akonu X, focused on matters of poor roads, schools, sanitation, health and construction of an Astroturf to support sporting activities in the district.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr Nyarko, commended Osagyefo Kwame Akonu X and his Elders for their unflinching support for him and the Assembly over the years and also seize the opportunity to explain some policies and initiatives that have been rolled out to help alleviate poverty in the district and the country as a whole.

He mentioned One District One Factory, Planting for Food and Jobs, Planting for Export and Development as some programmes that were implemented by the government to help improve the standards of living.
He also revealed some constructive steps being taken by the Assembly to help address identified developmental challenges in the area.

He assured the house that the Assembly through his leadership will do everything possible to better the lives of the ordinary citizenry.

The DCE concluded by pledging to support the Traditional Council with T&J ceiling panels to complete renovation work of the Traditional Council Hall.