Root out militia groups and mutiny in Ghana now - GUNA

The Ghana United Nations Association has called on the Police to immediately disband and initiate judicial process to outlaw all militia groups operating in the country with immediate effect.

Date Created : 6/2/2017 6:47:06 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

GUNA in a press release signed by the Director of Administration, Rev. Kingsley Osafo-Mireku has noted with great concern that the inability of the police to initiate and successfully prosecute perpetrators many heinous crimes in recent times have emboldens others and such crimes continue to fester in the country.


“It’s very unfortunate how we have systematically as a nation ride on the wings of cheap politics to destroy the essence, conscience and values of this beloved country called Ghana. It is quite disheartening to our objective assessment how the political class in our society have managed to render institutions in Ghana virtually powerless and lethargic to say the least”.


GUNA also expressed worry that all over the world, militia groups with time, crystalized into a full blown army that terrorizes states and law abiding citizens. “Terrorist militia groups like; ISIS, AL Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc. are all politically motivated groups that began just like the politically aligned militia forces we have in Ghana”.


It is for these reasons they believe early actions against these groups will nib in the bud any act of lawlessness and allow law abiding citizens to go about their lawful activities without fear of the unknown.


Read below the full release


                                                           Ghana United Nations Association (GUNA)
                                                                         PRESS RELEASE
                                              ROOT OUT MILITIA GROUPS AND MUTINY IN GHANA NOW


With deep grief and sorrow we at the Ghana United Nations Association (GUNA) shed over our departed soldier Captain Maxwell Mahama and the country at large. It’s very unfortunate how we have systematically as a nation ride on the wings of cheap politics to destroy the essence, conscience and values of this beloved country called Ghana. It is quite disheartening to our objective assessment how the political class in our society have managed to render institutions in Ghana virtually powerless and lethargic to say the least.


In recent past, so many heinous crimes have occurred whiles perpetuators of these acts walk about with gusto and pride because they feel protected by the political class. Parliamentarian and chiefs have been murdered in cold blood, security personnel have been molested, judges have been threatened and beaten with court rooms vandalized, police stations and other state institutions have been attacked and vandalized. In all these and more, the Ghana Police seem nonchalant to punish the perpetrators according to the dictates of the law. This perceived lethargic approach on the part of the Police is authenticated premised for fear of victimization.


These happenings on the security front and the perceived lack of protection by the Police, have created mutinous characters in sections of our society, threatening the entire security, peace and development of the state. This has resulted in people forming groups by drawing protection from that group and or the political class, whiles others have now ambushed the law whiles the law enforcement agencies of the state looks on hapless.


We at the Ghana United Nations Association is calling on the Police to as a matter of urgency disband and initiate judicial process to outlaw all militia groups operating in the country with immediate effect. All over the world, these militia groups with time, crystalized into a full blown army that terrorizes states and law abiding citizens. Terrorist militia groups like; ISIS, AL Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc. are all politically motivated groups that began just like the politically aligned militia forces we have in Ghana.


We also call on government through the state prosecutors to expedite actions on all the pending public interest cases in order to engender trust and confidence in the judicial process. We do not have to wait till we see Ministers of State being murdered or the seat of government attacked before we awake to the grave national security status of Ghana.


GUNA, Peace, Security and Development


Rev. Kingsley Osafo-Mireku
(Director of Administration)
0242882114 / 0271689017