Ketu South to harness potential of coconut - MCE

Coconut is one of the raw materials that are in abundance in the Ketu South Municipality in the Volta Region, and the new Municipal Chief Executive said it is time the potential of coconut is harnessed to the benefit of the larger society.

Date Created : 5/26/2017 4:29:55 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

He said the reason people are not benefiting much from coconut currently is because lack of value addition, but added the crop can be used to impact positively on the lives of the people if the right investment is done.


Mr. Edem Elliot Agbenorwu, in an interview with thus disclosed that it is his desire to see this come to fruition with the involvement of the private sector through public-private-partnership agreement.


This he assured he will pursue by looking for interested investors who will not only help establish factory in extracting oil from the crop, but also assist in revamping the cultivation of the crop.



The MCE noted that coconut oil has been identified as one of the healthiest cooking oils, even though some time ago many people frowned on its usage. “Now the table has turned, and this is the time to take advantage to get the best out of it” he stated.  


He added that the assembly will develop incentive packages like provisions of free seedlings to encourage people to venture into the cultivation of coconut.


The move is in line with efforts to creating more jobs for the youth, he stated.


Mr. Agbenorwu said the Ketu South Municipal Assembly will focus on two key areas, manufacturing and technological skills development to create more jobs.


To this end, a skills development centre would be established to help train interested persons in the manufacturing of yoghourt, detergents like dettol, soap among others. Web designs, graphic design, and the likes.


But more importantly, beneficiaries who wish to start their own business would be provided with start-up capitals to establish themselves.