Sunyani West fails to get DCE

The Sunyani West District Assembly could not confirm the President’s nominee due to misunderstanding between members of the ruling party, the new Patriotic Party NPP.

Date Created : 5/17/2017 9:27:42 AM : Story Author : Ghanadistricts.com

With accusations and counter accusation, cool heads could not prevail forcing the event to be called off.

Many of the Assembly Members accused the President of not nominating their choice of district chief executive who is the Constituency Chairman of the Party.

Meanwhile, persons with disability in the district have also expressed their disappointment in the turn of event.


Persons with disability at the conference


They accused the assembly Members for failing to accept the nominee simply because he is physically challenged, which they stated was unfortunate.

According to them, so long as the person is qualified, he should be giving the chance to serve but not to push him aside because of his predicament.

They have thus strongly condemned the action of the assembly members and urged them to treat persons with disability with equal rights just like any other abled body individual.