Biakoye District gets ICT lab

A multi-million Ghana Cedi state-of-the-art computer laboratory for the Biakoye District of the Oti Region has been inaugurated at the Nkonya Ahenkro R.C. Junior High School (JHS) with a call on both parents and pupils to see the study of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) as an integral part of life.

Date Created : 4/25/2023 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

The provision of the facility, the first of its kind in the Oti Region, was jointly made possible by two Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the Helping Africa Foundation and the Friends of Yamoransa Foundation, both based in the United States of America (USA).

According to the President of the Friends of Yamoransa Foundation, Dr. Deborah Rose, the selection of the district for the edifice was based on its performance at the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) level over the past few years.

The ICT Centre known as the Yamoransa Model Laboratory, is the seventh in the series across the country. It has fifty (50) brand-new computers and accessories totally powered not only by a robust solar energy system but also Asanka content softwares. The Laboratory has a maker-space for robotics amongst others.

The enhanced laboratory takes its name from Yamoransa in the Central Region where the first model success began, culminating in the expansion of the strategy and the investment into other communities in the country. The Yamoransa Model Lab also has two (2) computer learning laboratories, a conference room not only equipped with furniture but also fixed with a projector and screen for use for training sessions, workshops and mini-conferences.

The facility, built by Technology Giants, TechAide, is being managed by the Implementers Group of experts for the next two (2) years before its handing-over to the District Assembly and the Ghana Education Service (GES).

Project Manager and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of TechAide, Mr. Kafui Prebbie touched on the importance of such a facility in the development of ICT skills and knowledge among the pupils in the area. According to him, the world has become IT dependent hence young children should be given the opportunity to aspire and explore technology for their advantage as well as for the benefit of the entire population.

Mr. Prebbie noted that the laboratory is not just an ICT lab but also an enhanced educational laboratory in that the software applications in there provide the users an excellent and reliable source of learning other educational subjects and materials.

Executive Director of Helping Africa Foundation, Mr. Japhet Aryiku disclosed that the donors would build one of such enhanced laboratories in each of the sixteen (16) regions of the country by 2022. He noted that the mission to invest in this venture began a few years ago with the idea of spreading computer literacy throughout the GES system particularly at the basic education level. This, Mr. Aryiku emphasized would expose the children to technology and in the process make them better citizens.

The Executive Director was grateful to the Minister of Communications, Hon. Ursula Owusu Erkuful for her support and great interest shown in the project, adding that her enthusiasm and support largely resulted in the citing of the project in the newly created Oti Region.

Regional Director of Education, Nana Kugbeadzor-Bakateyi II disclosed that since the Oti Regional Directorate became operational on 7th September, 2020, the Biakoye ICT edifice has become the first dedication of an IT infrastructure and equipment in the district in particular and the region at large.

Government, she noted, has, over the years demonstrated commitment to providing the requisite IT infrastructure and equipment to facilitate teaching and learning of the subject in schools. She was hopeful that these continuous efforts by government and other stakeholders would enhance progress in the promotion of ICT skills and knowledge in schools.

Nana Kugbeadzor-Bakateyi II said the facility would go a long way to enhance the teaching of ICT studies in schools and particularly among the girl child.

District Director of the GES, Ms. Roselyn Kafui Ofori was extremely happy that the cry of the good people of Nkonya and for that matter the Biakoye District has been heard. She described the selfless contribution of the two NGOs as a move that deserves commendation and praise. ‘Their selfless contributions are the best and the greatest asset any society can have’, Ms. Ofori intimated.

The function was witnessed by a large number of dignitaries including a huge representation from the chiefs and queenmothers under the leadership of the Paramount Chief of the Nkonya Traditional Area, Nanai Okator Kwame Tegyi II. A number of pupils our newsteam spoke to were excited about the facility. Cultural drumming and dancing as well as poetry recitals also characterized the event.