IPT Junction – Atwima Akropong road construction begins next week

Thousands of residents of Bokankye, Esaase and Akropong, last Tuesday heave a sigh of relief following the groundbreaking ceremony to commence work on the IPT -Akropong road in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District of Ashanti Region.

Date Created : 7/24/2019 5:10:09 AM : Story Author : Daniel Akwasi Nuako/Thomas Awuah Asem

The residents greeted the news of construction of the ten-kilometre link road from the Akropong Junction on the Kumasi - Sunyani trunk road through Akropong, Esaase, Bonkankye, Apatrapa, Nyankyerenease and IPT Junction with jubilation, particularly, with the presence of the contractor and equipment.

Speaking at separate colourful events held in Bokankye, Esaase and Akropong in particular order to pave the way for construction of the road which is currently in sorry state, Hon. Benito Owusu-Bio, the Member of Parliament for the Atwima Nwabiagya North Constituency said he is happy the desire of residents of Bokankye, Esaase and Akropong travel on good road will be met. And added that monies for maintenance of vehicles as result of poor nature of the road could be used for other profitable ventures.

Work on the road will start in earnest on Monday July 22, by Rammer Construction Limited and expected to be completed in 12 months, all things being equal.

With the MP during the groundbreaking events were DCE, Hon. Rebecca Yeboah, DCD Mr Kaleem Abdallah Adam, PM, Hon. Isaac Ohemeng Prempeh, Constituency chairman of NPP, Nana Kwaa Dwomoh , District Work Engineer, Mr Daniel Mensah, District Information Officer, Mr Thomas Awuah Asem ,traditional leaders, Assembly members and NPP officials in the Constituency.