18 farmers honoured in Wa East

A total of 18 farmers including four women have been recognized in Wa East District of the Upper West Region for their selfless contribution to the nation's food basket in this year's National Farmers Day Celebration.

Date Created : 11/22/2018 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Prosper K. Kuorsoh/

The Day was celebrated on the theme: Agriculture; Moving Ghana Beyond Aid.

Mr Abu Adamu, 41, from Kundugu community emerged the Overall District Best Farmer and took home a tricycle, two cutlasses, knapsack sprayer, and pair of Wellington boot as well as a certificate of merit as his prize.

Mr Adamu who is engaged in both crop and animal production has 80 acres of maize, 35 acres of groundnuts, 26 acres of Sorghum and 22 acres of cowpea in addition to 150 cattle, 40 goats, 50 sheep and 30 local fowls.

Mr. John Atta Nyogisung, a native of Duu community, who emerged first runner up also received a refrigerator, a knapsack sprayer, Wellington boot, two cutlasses and a certificate, as his prize.

The District Best Woman Farmer went to Madam Zenabu Jalilu from Buffiama community, who was rewarded with a refrigerator, a knapsack sprayer, Wellington boot, two cutlasses and a certificate.

Mr. Moses Jotie, the Wa East District Chief Executive (DCE), congratulated the farmers especially the awardees for their selfless efforts in feeding the nation over the years.

He said the greatest gift they could give to farmers on the occasion of Farmers' Day was to protect the environment for them to be able to increase both animal and crop production.

He advised the people against indiscriminate bush burning and harvesting of rosewood, saying: both practices contributed to worsening climatic conditions in the District, which was impacting negatively on farming.

Mr. Jotie appealed to stakeholders notably the Police, traditional rulers, Assembly and Unit Committee Members to assist the Assembly enforce the ban placed on carting of rosewood in the area.

He said government was committed to improving the agriculture sector through the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJs) Programme. According to him 3,100 farmers, comprising 2,095 males and 105 females, have been registered under the programme and together cultivated 31,000 acres (12,400ha).

He said 10 communities have also been selected to benefit from the One-Village-One-Dam Programme, which, upon completion would provide opportunities for dry season gardening.

He added that work on the construction of a warehouse at Bulenga has reached an advanced stage, while a 1,000 Metric Tons Warehouse in Funsi was to commence next year to ease challenges faced by farmers in storing their farm produce.
The two warehouses on completion are expected to reduce cost of storage for farmers in the areas.

The DCE expressed the hope that the award packages would spur farmers on to work harder in the coming season and also serve as an incentive to attract many into farming.