Wa West Assembly makes education its priority

The Wa-West District Assembly has chosen education as its main priority to help improve its human resource base and enhance the socio-economic transformation of the people.

Date Created : 5/22/2013 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

The Assembly had, therefore, initiated some programmes and provided educational infrastructure to help improve quality education for children in the district.

Mr Dasaana N.S. Adamu, Wa-West District Chief Executive, made this known at the First Ordinary Session of the Assembly at Wechiau on Tuesday, which coincided with the election of Mr Basiera Saankara as its Presiding Member.

He said the Assembly, through District Development Facility support of 567,811 Ghana cedis and the Ghana Education Trust Fund, had provided educational infrastructure including Teachers’ quarters in many of the communities in the district.

The Assembly had also instituted measures to complete abandoned projects under different funding sources to benefit the people.

Mr Adamu, however, expressed disappointment that 11 projects that were awarded on contract in 2012 for the provision of educational infrastructure, health facilities, and a bungalow for the district police commander at Wechiau were still not completed and attributed the delay to the lackadaisical attitude of contractors.

He said the Assembly was taking steps to make sure those contractors who did shoddy work and unduly delayed in delivering were blacklisted.

Two dug-outs at Polee and Boro communities were under construction while the Nyoli-Dolingou and Ponyamayiri-Chabare feeder roads were also being constructed under the Ghana Social Opportunities Projects.

On health, Mr Adamu said the Assembly had awarded on contract the construction and furnishing of a medical doctor’s bungalow at Wechiau at a cost of 110,324.34 Ghana cedis.