Revenue collectors schooled on 2020 fee fixing resolution

The Municipal Chief Executive for New Juaben South with other Heads of Department has sensitized Revenue Collectors (RC’s) of the Assembly on her 2020 fee fixing Resolutions and the procedures of attaining such predetermined goals.

Date Created : 1/15/2020 3:38:22 AM : Story Author : Collins Aikins Akuffo/

The Budget Officer, Divine Louis Simpini took the opportunity to address and reviewed the assembly on the 2019 revenue accumulation. He stressed that 2019 is an improved year as compared to the preceding year with specific areas like; Tenancy agreement fees, Property rates, building permits and other Fines designated by the Assembly.

The Budget Officer emphasis on the mechanism that the Revenue Collectors will use to convince these taxpayers to comply with the amount charged to them. He said, evading tax paying is an offense by the law but if proper procedures were being used, there will be free flow of tax-paying in the municipality.

He explained that the RC’s must educate the taxpayers on how their taxes were being used by the Assembly. By elaborating, he said the taxes accumulated by the Assembly are being used to facilitate the executing of the Assembly’s developmental projects, to paying sitting allowances, ex-gratia etc, for operational and maintenance cost and for incidental expenses of employees.

For his part, the Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Isaac Appaw Gyasi urged the Revenue Collectors to work their hearts out to receive the needed motivations from the Assembly.

He again did mention that good patriots of a country do not evade taxes that were used to facilitate the developmental projects within the municipalities and the country at large. Thus played emphasis on the RC’s to educate the payers on reasons and the uses on their tax paid to the Assembly.

The MCE continued by encouraging the RC’s that, the Assembly will equip by providing the needed materials to facilitate their respective tasks. He said “POS” machine provided to them will still be used for transparency purposes.

He also added that some Nation Builder Corps (NABCO) personnel would be empowered by the Assembly to exercise routine checks after the RC’s have completed their daily or weekly assigned tasks. Therefore, culprits captured from the report will be sanctioned by the Assembly, thus, advised the RC’s to do conscientious work to avoid such sanctions.

He advised the RC’s to channel any encountered problems in their field of work to the Authorities of the Assembly instead of trying solving them on their own.

The Municipal Financial Officer (MFO) Isaac Sintim Aboagye added by encouraging the RC’s to assist the Assembly to raise her Internally Generated Fund (IGF) in order to increase the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) channeled by the act of Parliament to the Assemblies.

He also urged them to manage well their targets set by their Supervisors to avoid shortages. Thus, special rewards will be given to a Collector who was able to reach the said target and even exceeds it.

He again advised the RC’s especially the Commission Earners to present their accounts on time for the Accounts department preparing their payroll on time to avoid their wages/salaries being delayed.

The Municipal Internal Auditor, Gifty Adams advised RC’s to keep proper books of account to prevent any discrepancies. She explained that it would be best for them to present their accounts first to the Audit office before paying to the cashiers.

She added that, for the RC’s to balance their accounts, they should keep track of all their debtors.

She concluded by encouraging the RC’s to help the Assembly by exploring new businesses that needed to be taxed by the Assembly which will indirectly increase their earnings.

Answering questions from the Revenue Collectors’, the Municipal Chief Executive admonished all collectors’ to ensure to work in loyalty, transparency, and patriotism that will inure in more IGF for the Assembly and to bring development for the Assembly.