We need funds to secure Aflao coastline - MCE

The Ketu South Municipal Assembly risks losing its coastal communities including the country's busiest border town, Aflao to tidal waves if nothing was done to extend the coastline.

Date Created : 10/30/2019 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Ewoenam Kpodo

Mr Elliot Edem Agbenorwu, Municipal Chief Executive for the area who disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency, said there was the urgent need to extend the current 4.2km sea defense wall around Agavedzi-Blekusu to reach Aflao to forestall any disaster in the future.

Mr Agbenorwu noted that the phase 1 of the sea defense project was not enough to arrest the perennial tidal waves attacks as other communities along the coast were beginning to be hit by the phenomenon.

He said the Assembly was putting pressure on the Ministry of Finance to release funds to secure the lives and properties of citizens in the area as the 83 million dollars budget line for the about 10.4km Aflao-Agavedzi sea defense project is beyond the financial capacity of The Assembly.

The MCE bemoaned activities of sand winners at the beach and pebble collectors from the sea and charged everyone to be on guard and report such people saying, consequences of their activities will affect all of us.”

He was speaking during a Meet the Press programme organised on at the Assembly hall to account to citizens on works done by the assembly.

Mr Agbenorwu's presentation focused on ongoing and completed projects and policies covering education, health, sanitation, trade, rural electrification and social programmes aimed at improving the standard of living of his people.

On security, he hinted that plans were far advanced for the Municipality to have its own Divisional Police Headquarters to further help in crime fighting.

The Ketu South Municipality with three district police headquarters at Agbozume, Denu and Aflao, is currently under the Keta Divisional Police Command.