DCE hands over desks to district education office

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Jaman North, Solomon Owusu has presented dual desks for upper primary and lower primary as well as KG tables and chairs to the Jaman North Education Directorate for onwards distribution to various schools across the district.

Date Created : 11/22/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Micheal Boahen/

The event took place at the forecourt of the Education Directorate.

The DCE during the presentation said, the chairs are the first consignment of the request made by the Directorate to supplement the existing ones. He said he's ready to resource the schools in the district under his leadership.

He therefore cautioned the Directorate to monitor their use for long lusting. He ended by saying that, the remaining ones are yet to be done and they will be in very soon and they will be distributed to them when they are in to encourage students and also to eliminate students sitting on the floor to learn.

Upon receiving the chairs from the District Director of Education for Jaman North, Douglas Asante Nyarko thanked the DCE for his support and pledged to monitor their use very well while waiting for the next consignment.

The Directorate requested for 45 Dual Desk for upper primary and has so far received 29 with 16 in shortage.

For lower primary, the Directorate requested for 45 Dual Desk and has so far received 14 with 31 in shortage. For the KG tables and chairs, the Directorate has received 47 tables and 46 chairs out of 72 requested for each with a shortage of 26 and 25 respectively.

Again, for Teachers Chairs and Tables, the Directorate requested for 15 each and as at the time of filing this report, none has been supplied.