Kpone Katamanso strategizes to end shift system in basic schools
The practice of shift system in education is not only strenuous but also opens the flood gate for truancy among students thereby negatively affecting academic output.

Date Created : 1/10/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/Ghanadistricts.com
It is the reason many assemblies bedeviled with this canker tries everything possible to avoid it by improving educational infrastructure.
Unfortunately, the Kpone Katamanso Municipality still has to endure the shift system in most of the schools for lack of adequate infrastructure to suffice the growing population.
The Municipal Chief Executive, Samuel Okoe Amanquah explained that about 28 schools in the municipality are running shift, a situation worsened by the explosive nature of population growth experienced in the municipality.
He expressed fear that without the timely intervention of the government, a lot more schools may join the shift system and that would not augur well for the sector. He said there are still communities in the municipality without basic schools and children from these places walk to nearby communities with schools to access education.
It is however worthy of note that the Assembly is not throwing its hands in despair as it has strategized to partner with corporate organizations to improve the situation by building more schools and school blocks.
The result is GHAPOHA for example agreeing to construct a 2-storey 6-unit classroom block at Zenu Cluster of Schools; one of the most populated schools with an average class enrollment of 120 despite the shift system, he said. Discussions are still ongoing with other organisations in this regard.
Before this plans come to fruition, the assembly has been building some school blocks at some existing schools to decongest the classrooms with one at Kokompe (Light Industrial Area); 2-storey 6-unit block at Nyanongmang another block ready for commissioning at Nii Ogli; CODA sponsored 6-unit block at Kubekrom.
The MCE has also made an appeal to the Minister for Education for a special attention to be given to the municipality as the situation is dire.
On secondary education, the Municipal Assembly has decided to convert the Community Day Senior High School into a boarding school hence is constructing the first dormitory at the school while efforts are underway to complete the walling of the school to prevent encroachment.
But there is more to be done by way of infrastructure improvement if the quest of a boarding status is to be achieved, the MCE stated.