Nambong residents appeal for drinking water

The People of Nambong in the Tatale – Sanguli district of the Northern region are appealing to government to as a matter of urgency provide the community with safe drinking water to help avert any future outbreak of waterborne diseases in the area.

Date Created : 3/27/2018 8:33:11 AM : Story Author : Irene Kwakye

According to them, children have to walk several kilometers to neighboring country, Togo to fetch water for drinking and other household chores.

“The only way to get water now is to walk four hours in the morning and another four hours in the evening to the stream in Togo which they share with animals like pigs, cattle and this according to them is affecting the education of their children” a concerned resident opined.

In view of this, residents in the area fear of being at risk of various diseases such as cholera and guinea worm infestation which are very common in the community and are therefore calling on the Government, and corporate organizations to come to their aid and remedy the situation.