BEREKUM: Refurbishment of Golden City Park heralds C.O.P. Easter Convention

The Church of Pentecost in Berekum took steps to renovate portions of the Berekum Golden City Park in the Brong Ahafo Region ahead of this year’s Easter festivity.

Date Created : 4/3/2018 7:20:26 AM : Story Author : Pius Agyemang/

The renovation works which primarily focused on the painting of key areas of the sports stadium, including the entire circumference of the inner walls, wash rooms and the dressing room – hitherto looking shabbily – was estimated to have cost GHC 4,500.

The park which was the centre of attraction for the 2018 Easter celebration, served as the platform for a mammoth convention organized by the Berekum Area branch of the church, from Wednesday to Sunday, as some ten thousand (10,000) target audience turned up to partake in the festivity.

Apostle Anthony Kingsley Miah, Berekum Area Head of the Church, maintained that the stadium, which was perceived to be below standard, was refurbished prior to the convention, not only to add colour to the occasion but to also fulfill the church’s social obligations to the society.

Delivering the sermon with the theme, “Jesus Christ; He came to seek and save the Lost,” at the same venue Sunday to climax the function, the Area Head called on Christians not to despise the lost but to let their lights shine before them, by leading lives worthy of emulation [such as harnessing their social obligations] so that seeing their good works, they may be saved and glorify the LORD.

He opined that the church was bent on fulfilling its spiritual, moral and social responsibilities for the benefit of the society, notwithstanding the religious affiliations of the beneficiaries involved.

Pastor Bright Jr., District Pastor, COP

Bright Asare Junior, District Pastor for Berekum-Ahenbronoso District, in a tête-à-tête interview with explained that the three main sections of the Easter programme at dawn, morning and evening; focusing on Teaching and Prayer for members, Sharing of the Gospel Message to outsiders and an Altar Call respectively, revived and rekindled the lights of the congregants to know the LORD and the power of resurrection; thus redeeming the lost inheritance through the divine blood of Christ.

Pastor John Effa Koranteng, Jamdede District Pastor, beckoned carnal Christians to rethink their mentality and tune their mindset to reflect on the merits derived from the resurrection and renewal of life in Christ, as they show love, mercy and fellow-feeling to thei neighbours in their daily-routine activities.

The Berekum Zonal Pastor, Benjamin Otchere, admonished leaders and members of congregations amongst all the eight (8) Districts under the Berekum Zone who were present at the august function to champion the crusade aimed at seeking and finding the deviant soul toward Christ to be saved.

The eight Districts which form the Berekum zone of the C.O.P. are comprised of the Berekum District, Berekum-Ahenbronoso District, and the Brenyekwa District.

The rest of the Berekum Zonal Districts are Biadan, Jamdede, Jinijini, Kato and the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC) Districts.
One hundred and thirty-five (135) souls were won throughout the convention as they gave their lives to Christ publicly during the Altar Call aspect of the act of worship.

A capacity of some ten thousand target audience was witnessed at the Golden City ground to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of our LORD Jesus Chris.