AKATSI S: DCE decries low revenue performance

The Akatsi South District Chief Executive, Leo-Nelson Adzidogah has decries the low revenue performance of the Assembly and called for reactivation of all the sources of revenue that law allows.

Date Created : 12/21/2017 1:48:49 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

The DCE who was addressing the third session of the seventh assembly at the district also called for maximization of revenue collection in the main Akatsi Market and also block revenue leakages.

His call followed a GHC189,629.20, representing 58.77% of internally generated fund as at October 31, 2017 as against GHC322,666.67 projection for the year.

He reminded the house that poor revenue generation has negative implications for the Assembly since it denies and disqualifies assemblies from enjoying certain grants and support from the government and donor partners.

He has therefore proposed the formation of a revenue monitoring team to among other things;
1. Formulate strategies to enhance revenue mobilization especially the option of public private partnership
2. Critically examine the ticketing regime
3. Advancing views of how to develop the market especially the design
4. Critically examine the issue of segmentation of the market according to products among others

For effective and efficient performance, the DCE suggested that the membership to include
1. The district Coordinating Director as chairman
2. Chaiman of Finance and Administrative Sub-committee
3. District Planning officer
4. Revenue Superintendent
5. The Market Queen.

“It is our expectations that with improved revenue performance, the status of the Assembly will rise and ultimately we will meet the qualification criteria of a municipal assembly", he concluded.