KUMAWU: MP, DCE cut sod for six unit classroom blocks

Mr. Philip Basoah, Member of Parliament (MP) for Sekyere Kumawu Constituency in collaboration with the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area, Samuel Adjekum, has cut sod for the construction of a six unit classroom block for Bodomase Senior High Technical School at Bodomase.

Date Created : 8/22/2018 5:06:09 AM : Story Author : Theresa Workartey/

The construction which is funded by the GNPC and the contractor whose name is Mustapha Yankee from Messrs US Construction Company is expected to complete and handover the project within 3 months.

The new classroom block comes with ancillary facilities including library and office to facilitate teaching and learning.

Speaking at the short ceremony, the MP, Mr. Basoah said that the community has built up a four unit classroom block, indicating that it shows how serious education is to them, hence the need to build more facilities for the community.

He said that it was necessary to improve on the structures and add more classroom blocks to befit the status of a senior high school.

The DCE in his address stated that, the Assembly is committed to education and in their own way to support the project is providing mono desks to reduce furniture deficit in the school.

The headmaster of the school, Jacob Nti Dansoman expressed his profound gratitude for the kind gesture.

The event which was held at the Bodomase Senior High Technical School compound was well attended by all and sundry.