NEWS ARCHIVE 2010 - 14

KUMBUNGU:Kpilo, Nbanayiri and others to get electricity soon

The District Chief Executive for the Kumbungu District Assembly, Iddi Manzah Mahama has said that the Assembly is on its toes to ensure that an additional 5 communities of the district will be connected to the national grid through the implementation of the Rural Electrification Project (REP).

Date Created : 11/6/2012 10:46:15 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The District Chief Executive for the Kumbungu District Assembly, Iddi Manzah Mahama has said that the Assembly is on its toes to ensure that an additional 5 communities of the district will be connected to the national grid through the implementation of the Rural Electrification Project (REP).

He was then hopeful that the move will be accomplished by the end of the year to assist boost the socio-economic lives of inhabitants in the project areas.

Speaking in an interview with, the DCE mentioned that the Rural Electrification Project (REP) is one of the topmost areas featured in the development agenda of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, thus the Assembly will be unrelenting to cover more communities with electricity supply to give impetus to rapid development in the area.

The project being executed by the China Water and Electrification Corporation is currently underway in the earmarked communities with contractors busily discharging works to finish the project within the scheduled period.

According to him, some communities like Kpilo, Nbanayiri, and Wuba amongst others are all beneficiaries of the project on-board in the district.

The Rural Electrification Project (REP) embedded in the government’s Energy delivery programme being implemented countrywide is relatively a major intervention spearheaded by the NDC government to bridge the development gap between the Southern and Northern Ghana.

Jonathan Adjei/