NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

TARKWA NSUAEM : MCE assures residents of Development

The Municipal Chief Executive of Tarkwa-Nsuaem, Hon. Christina Kobbina has assured communities in the Municipality of the Assembly’s readiness to bring development to the area.

Date Created : 9/16/2009 12:31:41 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Municipal Chief Executive of Tarkwa-Nsuaem, Hon. Christina Kobbina has assured communities in the Municipality of the Assembly’s readiness to bring development to the area.

“Irrespective of our diverse political affiliations, let us work together and focus on the development of our area”, she said.

Hon. Kobbina said this when she paid a working visit to Nkaponase, a suburb of Tarkwa.

“I have come to serve you and would need the cooperation of all in the task ahead”, she said.

She explained that the Assembly had projects including drains, speed rumps, midwifery school, and roads that needed to be constructed for the communities but that the projects would be done in phases.

“We have to ensure that projects which were started by the previous administration are completed before we tackle new ones” she added.

Hon. Kobbina urged people in the communities to support the Assembly by registering their businesses and other income generating activities and fulfilling their tax obligations to enable the Assembly to generate enough revenue to ensure the early implementation of the projects.

She appealed to parents in the area to take the education of their children seriously to enable them to become responsible citizens in future.

“Provide them with the educational materials that will enhance their studies and do not encourage them to join in the activities “galamsey” miners and stone crackers”.

The Assemblyman for Nkaponase, Hon. Richard Ntarmah Sarpong urged the assembly to assist his area to construct a community centre.

He also appealed to the assembly to construct drains for the free-flow of water in the area as the terrain was water-logged.

The Principal Revenue Superintendent of the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Assembly, Mr Nii Nunoo said the projects the Assembly could undertake depends on its Internally Generated Fund.

“Apart from the daily market tolls and business operating permit that the assembly collects, some landlords are not willing to pay their property rate”, he said.

He said for development to thrive, it behoves on every landlord and caretaker to pay their property rate to help facilitate in the implementation of projects in the communities.