NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

(NSOATRE) SUNYANI WEST: Court jails man for car theft

A circuit court in Sunyani has sentenced Charles Afeneyadu, 30-year-old trader, to 12 years imprisonment in hard labour for stealing a vehicle at Nsoatre in the Sunyani West District.

Date Created : 7/22/2009 11:34:14 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

A circuit court in Sunyani has sentenced Charles Afeneyadu, 30-year-old trader, to 12 years imprisonment in hard labour for stealing a vehicle at Nsoatre in the Sunyani West District.
Charles pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing.
Deputy Superintendent of police (DSP) Kwasi Amoako, told the court presided over by Mr. Kwame Ohene Essel that in June, the accused hired an Opel Astra taxi cab with registration number BA 1499 in Sunyani been driven by Francis Leere to sent him to Berekum.
Prosecution said when the accused was been brought back to Sunyani, he (accused) asked the driver to stop at Adwensa hotel at Nsoatre to enable him to give a parcel to someone.
DSP Amoako said Afeneyadu tricked the driver and took the key of the vehicle from him and asked him (driver) to wait for him while he delivered the parcel.
Prosecution said the accused returned with a glass of alcoholic drink mixed with some substance and offered it to Leere and after drinking it the driver he became drowsy and slept.
DSP Amoako said Afeneyadu stole the vehicle and drove it towards Kumasi.
Prosecution said when the driver woke up and could not find the accused and the vehicle he reported the matter to the Police at Sunyani and also caused a radio announcement to be made about the stolen vehicle.
DSP Amoako said a witness in the case saw the accused driving the stolen vehicle on the Sunyani-Kumasi road and with the help of some people the accused was arrested and handed to the Police.
Prosecution said the accused in an interrogation admitted the offence and told the Police that he was sending the vehicle to Kumasi for sale.