NEWS ARCHIVE 2006 - 09

FANTEAKWA : Regional Minister breaks ground for the tarring of road

The Eastern Regional Minister, Hon. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo on Thursday broke the ground for the bitumen surfacing of the 15.7-kilometre Begoro-Obuoho-Ahumahumaso road in the Fanteakwa District.

Date Created : 7/17/2009 4:26:25 AM : Story Author : GhanaDistrict.Com

The Eastern Regional Minister, Hon. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo on Thursday broke the ground for the bitumen surfacing of the 15.7-kilometre Begoro-Obuoho-Ahumahumaso road in the Fanteakwa District.
The 2 million Ghana Cedi project, which is part of the Feeder Roads Improvement Programme (FRIP) in the region, is being funded under the European Development Fund (EDF).
Hon. Ofosu-Ampofo, performing the ceremony, said a request had also been made to the EU to extend the surfacing contract to Miaso in the district to open up the area for commercial activities.    
He said the project when completed would enhance road transportation not only in the district but the region as a whole.
He said similar projects were currently on-going in some districts, adding that in all, a total grant of about 24 million Euros was obtained from the EU for surfacing, rehabilitation and spot improvements of selected roads in the region.   
He announced that the Government was making efforts to ensure that the Kwahu Tafo-Begoro road was constructed to save heavy duty vehicle drivers from the difficulties they were encountering in transporting goods from the Afram Plains through the Kwahu Ridge.
The regional minister appealed to the communities benefiting from the project to make good use of it when completed, and to avoid negative practices that could damage it.
The Fanteakwa District Chief Executive, Mr Abass Fuseini Sbaabe expressed the hope that the contractor would do quality work to prolong the life span of the road.
He announced that arrangements were on course to bring the contractor who had abandoned work on the Begoro town roads to return to site and complete the project as soon as possible.
Mr Sbaabe said two kilometres of Begoro town roads would also benefit from bitumen surfacing, adding that works would commence before the end of the year.
TheChief of Begoro, Osabarima Awuah Kotoko the Second commended the regional minister for his tireless efforts to ensure the  development of the area.