Yendi Assembly confirms MCE

The Yendi Municipal Assembly has confirmed President John Evans Atta Mills' nominee, Mr Issah Zakaria, as Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).

Date Created : 2/17/2010 12:00:00 AM : Story Author :

Out of 61 votes cast by the Assembly Members present and voting, he polled 45 votes representing 73.8 per cent, with 16 members voting against, representing 26.2 per cent.

Mr Zakaria's nomination followed the removal of the former Municipal Chief Executive, Mr Walvis Hudu by President Mills.

In his acceptance address, Mr Zakaria expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the President for giving him the opportunity to serve the Municipality and the country.

He also expressed his appreciation to the Regional Minister Mr. Moses Bukari Mabengba and his Deputy for their support in facilitating the process of his confirmation.

The MCE thanked the Assembly members, chiefs, elders of the traditional area, Regional Party Executives and all stakeholders for the confidence reposed in him and giving him the nod.

The Deputy Northern Regional Minister, Mr San Nasamu Asabigi, thanked the Assembly members for the maturity they exhibited in the voting process and for confirming the President's nominee.

Mr Nasamu Asabigi advised the MCE to reach out to all members of the Assembly and stressed the need for him to build unity within the Municipality.

The Presiding Member of the Assembly, Mr Iddrisu Husseini, indicated that the absence of a substantive Municipal Chief Executive for the past few months had slowed down the development of the Municipality.

Mr Hussein called on the Assembly members to eschew their political and cultural differences and to see themselves as one people with a common destiny so that together they would speed up the development of the Municipality.

The election was conducted by the Electoral Commission under the supervision of the Yendi Municipal Electoral Officer, Mr John Mensah.

The results were declared by the Regional Electoral Officer, Mr Sylvester Kanyi.