MAMPONG: Mampong market gets facelift

Major facelift is being given to the Manpong Market in the Mampong Municipality to help improve economic activities in the municipality.

Date Created : 9/29/2016 2:32:41 AM : Story Author : Dominic Shirimori/

One of such project is the construction of 2-story, 20 lockable stores that will provide proper security to goods that are kept in the market.

It will also reduce the burden of the usual cost incurred for transporting their goods to secured locations at the close of market activities.

Work on this project is already nearing completion as the project is at the roofing level.

The Municipal Assembly that is carrying out the development also recognized the need to improve easy and improved access to the market hence included the construction of the access road to the market.

The drainage systems along the road are currently being worked on to pave way for filling and subsequent bitumen surfacing.

Additionally, a 16-seater water closet toilet facility being part of the project has also being roofed and currently being plastered for painting to commence.

Investments in these projects are all targeted among other things to make the market more conducive to attract traders from other places to the market.

The success of this therefore means the assembly will also record improvement in revenue that would be channeled to other sectors of equal importance.